Ways You Can Partner With Us


HisHarvest belongs to the Lord & Him alone! Every part of this small business has been born out of prayer –  all glory to Jesus. One of the ways that you can get involved is by partnering with us in prayer: that the conversations sowed & the seeds planted would bear fruit; that the labourers would say yes to Jesus again & again, and that His will be done. Please email [email protected] if you would like to jump in on our prayers & praise chain via email.


If you know of someone who could be blessed by this ministry or would like to share us with your friends & family – please do! We would love for as many as possible to catch the fire and be bold in their surrender to the Lord, declaring with their whole life, “Lord, send me.” 


Just like Peter & John shared in Acts 4, when God moves in our lives our response should be: “We cannot keep quiet about what we’ve seen and heard!”

Testimonies are an incredible way to fan the flame of faith from generation to generation. We love how the Lord uses someone’s story to bless another’s. Stay connected, share & hear these testimonies by following our Instagram – @hisharvest.nz or you can signup for our prayers & praise chain by emailing [email protected]!


HisHarvest seeks to reach, serve & save the lost through the hope of Jesus – that is why we exist. We are so grateful for those who want to pour into this ministry so that we can continue to pour back out. If you would like to give directly to HisHarvest – to sow into our ministry OR one of the various ministries we partner with – we would love to hear from you! Please email [email protected]