Our Mission

HisHarvest was created for both the Saved & the Searching; to see this generation awaken to Jesus’s calling upon their lives – to be a disciple and to make disciples. 
For too long this generation has bought the lie that they aren’t capable of sharing the Gospel. Even amongst friends, there is a hesitancy to speak and a tendency to spectate..Yet fear, insecurity & doubt do not have the power to pardon you from God’s missional calling on your life. 
Our world is aching for the hope of Jesus – and God wants to send YOU. It’s time to step out; It’s time for us to respond & let that response consume our whole being: “Lord, send me!”
Responding to Jesus’ call does not take qualifications or years of experience – just a surrendered heart. When we step out, Jesus steps in!
It’s time to step out – it’s time to sow conversations, plant seeds & tend to His Harvest.
“The harvest is ripe, the labourers are few… Ask the Lord to send out more workers into His harvest field.” – Matthew 9:37-38
“…But I say, ‘Open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.” – John 4:35

"Go & make disciples..."

Our Calling

When we created HisHarvest the Lord very clearly reminded us that you cannot go out into a field and harvest the wheat without the right tools. HisHarvest seeks to equip this generation with the ability to be able to sow conversations, plant seeds and to tend to His Harvest – to love the lost & to share the Good News with them! 

It doesn’t take any qualification, it simply takes obedience – stepping out & watching Jesus step in. That’s where we go beyond simply wearing Te Rongo Pai to living it out!