The Seed Packet Tracts | Vol. 1


The Seed Packet Tracts | JESUS IS THE WAY, THE TRUTH & THE LIFE!

You’re looking at the very first volume of ‘The Seed Packet Tracts™’ collection!

“I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the father except through me.” – John 14:6

The Seed Packet Tracts are a cool way to share the Gospel in a bitesized package: designed to share the Good News with any person at any stage of their faith journey – the Good News all portrayed through a quirky, yet impactful, comic spread.

Not only that, but it was created with the prayer to help 1) plant a seed of faith and 2) help establish its roots by connecting the reader in with the GROW page linked to HisHarvest – a part of our website dedicated solely to helping lay out the blueprints of beginning one’s journey with Jesus: Becoming a Disciple & Making Disciples.

Share the Gospel with someone today!


Every piece plants a seed – for every sale HisHarvest makes, a portion of the profits is sown right back into the people it was crafted to serve. So even before you get to wear your product, you have already planted a seed by sowing into ministries and organisations with the same heartbeat as HisHarvest – to send the saved, and to save the lost! How good!


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